Rocks and Minerals

Today, we started a new unit in science class, Rocks and Minerals. I have posted a fun website that will help you better understand the different types of rocks. Let's start rockin'!!
Or learn more about rock secrets!

This site will help you, "demonstrate an understanding of the physical properties of rocks and minerals". After visiting the site, you will be able to, "describe the characteristics of the three classes of rocks" - Ontario Min. of Edu.

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About Me

Just as I am eager to get to know each one of my students, I feel that you should all get to know a little bit more about me. My name is Stephanie Venturin and I am a new teacher, excited to start this new school year. I enjoy reading books, watching movies and rollerblading. I have just started a new hobby, beading. I make necklaces, bracelets, and rings and will be more than glad to teach others how to make their very own creations. I have travelled to many different places in the world and hopefully I can invite you all to join me on journeys to exciting new places, right here on the internet. I like cooking, baking and trying new things. If you have something special you would like to share, let me know and I will be glad to help!