Bienvenue, Merhaba, Foon Ying, Willkommen, Swaagatam, Benvenuti, Welcome parents and grade 4 students to

Miss Venturin's online classroom!

We've joined together as classmates

as the new year begins...

A year full of learning

while we become friends.

We'll share and be kind

as we work and play.

And our friendship will grow

with each passing day.

I believe that a classroom is a place where we can all learn and teach one another. I am very excited to be embarking on this new journey and hope to learn more about all of you. This year, we will have plenty of fun reading, writing, and blogging!

I encourage students and parents to visit my online classroom on a weekly basis, as I will be posting frequent updates and announcements.

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About Me

Just as I am eager to get to know each one of my students, I feel that you should all get to know a little bit more about me. My name is Stephanie Venturin and I am a new teacher, excited to start this new school year. I enjoy reading books, watching movies and rollerblading. I have just started a new hobby, beading. I make necklaces, bracelets, and rings and will be more than glad to teach others how to make their very own creations. I have travelled to many different places in the world and hopefully I can invite you all to join me on journeys to exciting new places, right here on the internet. I like cooking, baking and trying new things. If you have something special you would like to share, let me know and I will be glad to help!