Summertime is just around the corner!

Keep up your studies by visiting the following websites:


Are you looking for child care services available to you and your family? If so, click on one of the following links for more information:

Cool Books to Read

2030: A Day in the Life of Tomorrow's Kids

The Contest: Everest #1

The Cricket in Times Square


The Misadventures of Maude March

The Quest Begins: Seekers #1

The Boy Who Painted Dragons

Walter the Giant Storyteller's Giant Book of Giant Stories

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

The Not-Just-Anybody Family

 No Talking


Grade 4's,
I know many of you are enjoying the new Patterning unit we started this week! For more practise, I have posted a link where you can practise patterning, or you can also practise number patterns by finding the missing number.

This activity will help you,

  • "demonstrate, extend, and create a variety of numeric and geometric patterns, make predictions related to the patterns, and investigate repeating patterns involving reflection.

  • "extend and create repeating patterns that result from relfections, through investigation using a variety of tools.

    Rocks and Minerals

    Today, we started a new unit in science class, Rocks and Minerals. I have posted a fun website that will help you better understand the different types of rocks. Let's start rockin'!!
    Or learn more about rock secrets!

    This site will help you, "demonstrate an understanding of the physical properties of rocks and minerals". After visiting the site, you will be able to, "describe the characteristics of the three classes of rocks" - Ontario Min. of Edu.

    Medieval Times

    As you all know, our social studies unit is focused on the major features of the life and times of medieval societies. You can visit a fun website that will help you learn more about these medieval societies.

    This site will help you,

    • "identify and describe major features of daily life and social organizations in medieval European societies from about 500 to 1500 C.E. (Common Era)"
    • "describe aspects of daily life for men, women, and children in medieval societies." - Ontario Min. of Edu.



    Throughout the past few weeks, our class has been focusing on media literacy. We have spoken about the different forms of media, which include newspapers, magazines, television and radio. I have posted a fun activity that will help your child with their writing skills and gain a better understanding on media literacy. This activity seeks to help students, "reflect on and identify their strengths as media interpreters and creators, areas for improvement, and the strategies they found most helpful in understanding and creating media texts." More specifically, students will, "produce media texts for specific purposes and audiences, using a few simple media forms and appropriate conventions and techniques." For a more detailed look at what is expected of your child, please refer to the curriculum document found at the Ontario Ministry of Education website.


    Did you know that you can create your very own newspaper?
    You can make up your own:

    • creative name for the newspaper

    • article/story with a creative headline

    • sub-heading


    Click HERE to get started!

    Parents, I have posted some useful resources that will help you take an active role in your child's education. For a detailed look at what is expected of your child and what you can do to help, click here.

    Other resources:

    Are you finished your homework? If so, take a look at these fun and educational websites. Click on your favourite subject. Or visit one of the links on the side bar to have some more fun!


    Bienvenue, Merhaba, Foon Ying, Willkommen, Swaagatam, Benvenuti, Welcome parents and grade 4 students to

    Miss Venturin's online classroom!

    We've joined together as classmates

    as the new year begins...

    A year full of learning

    while we become friends.

    We'll share and be kind

    as we work and play.

    And our friendship will grow

    with each passing day.

    I believe that a classroom is a place where we can all learn and teach one another. I am very excited to be embarking on this new journey and hope to learn more about all of you. This year, we will have plenty of fun reading, writing, and blogging!

    I encourage students and parents to visit my online classroom on a weekly basis, as I will be posting frequent updates and announcements.

    About Me

    Just as I am eager to get to know each one of my students, I feel that you should all get to know a little bit more about me. My name is Stephanie Venturin and I am a new teacher, excited to start this new school year. I enjoy reading books, watching movies and rollerblading. I have just started a new hobby, beading. I make necklaces, bracelets, and rings and will be more than glad to teach others how to make their very own creations. I have travelled to many different places in the world and hopefully I can invite you all to join me on journeys to exciting new places, right here on the internet. I like cooking, baking and trying new things. If you have something special you would like to share, let me know and I will be glad to help!